You may have noticed that your auto insurance premiums even if you have made no claims. As a whole, insurance rates are rising across the industry, and companies are scrambling to be profitable. Insurance companies use their loss ratio or the difference of the money they bring in from premiums versus the amount they pay out in claims each year to determine premiums. Elaine Mahr from Farmer’s Insurance is with us to explain some auto industry trends that may be affecting your rates.
Elaine Mahr: Home Insurance Check-up & Mitigating Cost
Your home is probably your most valuable investment, so you will want to cover it properly. Having the right homeowners insurance will make all the difference if disaster strikes. Elaine Mahr of Farmers Insurance is with us to discuss her practice of doing a Home Insurance Check-up to make sure you have the exact right policy.
The Medicare Man: Hospital Visits
Ryan Raphael: The Medicare Man Ryan Raphael a.k.a. The Medicare Man is here to discuss hospital visits and how they affect you when you are on Medicare. As we get older it becomes more likely we will visit the hospital. Here are a few things you should know before you go.
“The Medicare Man” Ryan Raphael: Supplements & Enrollment Periods
“The Medicare Man” Ryan Raphael: Supplements & Enrollment Periods Ryan Raphael a.k.a. “The Medicare Man”, is our Medicare insurance expert and trusted adviser on all things Medicare. We have him on to explain what Medicare supplemental insurance is and to also clear up some confusion we had on the enrollment periods.
Elaine Mahr: Liability Limits and Asset Buckets
Elaine Mahr: Liability Limits and Asset Buckets Elaine Mahr from Farmers Insurance is with us to explain how your net worth affects what amount of liability insurance you should have. She also goes into how to determine your net worth and also how to allocate it. Determining your net worth to be sure you […]
What’s Happening With Auto Premiums
Auto Premiums Going Up Americans are driving more, thanks to rising employment and cheaper gasoline. But that also means they’re getting into more accidents — and that’s leading to higher insurance premiums. Of course, it’s not just a matter of more people cruising the roads. Unsafe behavior also may be contributing to a national accident […]
Business Insurance 101 with Insurance Expert Elaine Mahr
Business Insurance 101 with Farmers Protecting your business is good business. Having the right insurance can be the difference between surviving a calamity and losing everything. Many business owners have learned the hard way that a lawsuit, theft, accident or natural disaster can wreak havoc on their companies. Business Owner’s Policy Often referred to as BOP, […]
Elaine Mahr – Annuities
Elaine Mahr – Annuities Listen To The Audio!
Life Insurance Is Worth It In The End
Life Insurance Is Worth It In The End Deciding whether you need life insurance can be a complicated process. The decision can be even harder when you are younger. Today Elaine Mahr highlights some of the issues that you should think about. Be sure to listen in to find out more about the cheapest insurance policy […]
How To Determine If You Should File a Claim
How To Determine If You Should File a Claim When unexpected events happen to your home, car, or other investments it can be a difficult decision to determine whether a claim should be filed or not. When trying to decide to file a claim, your agent is on your side to help make the best decision for […]