D.R.E.S.S for Health Success Most people think that they have tried every diet that claims to help cure their particular problem, and nothing works. The truth is, your “perfect” diet has not been designed. Through FDN®, I will show you how to create your perfect diet. Angela Brown visits the Doug Haldeman Show to help […]
Tired Of Feeling Tired? Sick Of Being Sick?
Tired of feeling tired? Sick of being sick? Angela Brown, Exercise & Nutritionist Expert, joins Doug and Tammie in studio to discuss what options there are to find out how you can take care of your body and identify the stressors that can effect your moods, sleep and overall health. If you really are tired of […]
iAutoAgent: Revolutionary Way To Sell Or Buy Your Car
Revolutionary Way To Sell Your Car Have you ever tried to sell your own car before? Better yet, have you purchased a vehicle before? Regardless of your answers we are about to change your way of thinking on how you buy and sell your cars. As many of you know the second most expensive purchase you will make in your […]
Elaine Mahr – Annuities
Elaine Mahr – Annuities Listen To The Audio!
Bank, Banker, & Broker- What’s the Difference?
Bank, Banker, & Broker- What’s the Difference? You may have been flooded with information about the mortgage and banking industry and from your view point, a lender is a lender. Distinguishing the differences between banks, mortgage bankers and mortgage brokers can save you some frustration, time, and in some cases, money.
5 Things Renters Should Know About Owning
5 Things Renters Should Know About Owning For renters who aspire to be home owners, transitioning from an apartment to a house requires a shift in their thinking that they may not be prepared to make. The financial changes that come with owning, the need to consider planting longer-term roots in a neighborhood, […]
How Parents Grow While Raising Children
How Parents Grow While Raising Children Parenthood is not for the faint of heart. You’re a nurturer, teacher, disciplinarian, cook, cleaner, taxi service, boo-boo fixer, counselor, laundress, and more. When that little bundle of pink or blue was placed in your arms, did you really know just how much your world would change? and for the […]
Credit Errors: 4 Step Removal
Credit Errors : 4 Step Removal One common statistic that all reports suggest when determining the number of errors that exist on credit reports is…A LOT. The FTC believes that there are up to 40 million errors on credit reports, other government studies show 1 in 20 have errors impacting their scores.
Labor Day
Labor Day For a lot of people, Labor Day means two things: a day off and the end of summer. Why is it called Labor Day? Labor Day is a day set aside to pay tribute to working men and women, and it has been celebrated as a national holiday in the United States and […]
Republicans vs. Democrats: Views on Housing Reform
Republicans vs. Democrats: Views on Housing Reform Republicans and Democrats have approved party platforms with very different views on the role of government in housing and housing finance. As the presidential election shifts into high gear, we’ve looked at what both parties and the presidential candidates have to say about the future role of government in […]