Decrease Debt The ideal scenario for people is to start with a fresh slate, decrease debt and still meet your monthly obligations. Defining your needs and wants is a great place to start. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for most people. I know this story all too well.
Paying Cash For Your Home May Not Be The Best Plan
Paying Cash For Your Home Everywhere you turn, you hear how bad it is to carry around debt. So naturally, it’s logical to think that buying a home with cash – or sinking as much cash as possible into your home to avoid the massive debt associated with a mortgage, is the smartest choice for your […]
Is Your Child Headed Toward Financial Disaster?
It’s impossible to know the future and it’s unfair to your kids, who may well surprise you in their financial future to take any of the following red flags too seriously. In saying that some of these red flags are worth paying attention to and possibly changing some of your habits to instill new ones […]
Paying Cash For Your Home May Not Be The Best Plan
Paying Cash For Your Home Everywhere you turn, you hear how bad it is to carry around debt. So naturally, it’s logical to think that buying a home with cash – or sinking as much cash as possible into your home to avoid the massive debt associated with a mortgage, is the smartest choice for your […]
Escrow or Not To Escrow
Escrow Accounts Homebuyers typically pay extra money into escrow accounts every month, along with their home loan payments. It’s kind of like having your mom or dad hold on to your money when you were a kid while you went and played. Escrow accounts can take the pain of losing your money or not being […]