Are you looking for resources to help you be smart with your money? The tools below will help you reach your financial goals and take stock of your big financial picture. Utilize tools such as the Shopping Around tip sheet to guide your steps through each phase of your financial plan. Take a look at the links below, then click to download or follow the link.
Don’t forget to check back often. Doug and his team are always adding more resources.
Personal Finance
Building a budget is the first step to paying off debt and improving your financial health. Take control of your financial wellness today.
Stephen Schultz’s The 7 Most Dangerous Conditions on Residential Property That Can Get you Sued
The Waiting Period Chart shows how long the period of recovery from financial hardship is.
Monthly Budget Template Excel Spreadsheet
Printable Budget Form
Mortgage / Real Estate
Being smart about buying a home or investment property starts with choosing the right mortgage and right property.
Doug Haldeman: Rate Alert Program
Doug’s Shopping Around Tips
Cathy Perry’s Staging Secrets
Visit the FHA Limits Calculator
FHA Condo Approvals
USDA Property Eligibility Map
Glossary of Mortgage Terms
Housing Affordability Index
Proceeds from Sale Calculator
County Tax Sites:St. Charles County St. Louis County
St. Louis City Lincoln County
Jefferson County Warren County
Pike County Kansas City/Jackson County
What’s your credit score? Do you need to repair your credit? Get started right away.
Guide to Home Financing Options
Best Site to Shop for Credit Cards –
Credit Monitoring –
Financial wellness means looking at the big picture and making sure you’re prepared for anything.
Stephen Schultz: Halloween Indemnification Agreement
Dawn Krause with Keller William B.O.L.D. Laws to live by
Recommended Reading
Boost your financial literacy by expanding your knowledge base.
Buying a house is a difficult process for everyone, especially in the tough financial times we have today. Doug and his team worked hard to get me into a home and I’m not sure anyone else would have given as much effort. Thank you so much!
–Daniel B