Even most experts make the wrong choices when choosing which debts to pay off first. For an example if you received $30,000 and you are faced with the decision on what debt to pay first will you make the right choice? Andy Prescott from the artofbeingcheap.com approached this topic. Check out his post at: The […]
Investing In Real Estate As A Couple: Part 1
Real estate investing is not a “get rich quick” scheme. Just as any home needs a solid foundation so does your real estate education. This is key to your long term investing success. First ask yourself a few questions: Do we have a clear understanding of what type of real estate properties are best suited […]
Should I Sell My Home During The Holidays?
Should I sell my home during the holidays? This is a question on the minds of many home owners. There is no clear cut and dry answer as everyone’s personal circumstances are different. Selling a home during the holidays however, was once something that very few people did. The argument was that there were less […]
Managing Money During Major Life Events
Are you getting married, divorced? Have you lost your job? How about a baby? or Buying your first home? We have put together some thought provoking ideas to slow you down and think how you can be prepared for effectively managing your money during some of these major life events. Marriage Discuss finances early on. If […]
8 Costs That New Investors In Real Estate Do Not Consider
Doug and Tammie share a list of 8 things investors must consider when investing in real estate. Unexpected Repairs A home inspection is a vital component in assessing whether or not a property is worth pursuing. The inspection report can reveal many inherent problems related to items such as roofing, electrical wiring, plumbing connections and […]
Should You Have a Mortgage During Retirement? Or Should I Rent?
As a natural transition in life is to retire one may ask the question: Should I have a mortgage during retirement? Is it better to own your home free and clear? Or are you better off using your nest egg for another purpose, such as having that financial cushion for the unforseen. The answer to […]
Short Sales are the “New Normal” for homeowners with mortgages. Without a negotiator you could be losing out on someone in your corner. Elizabeth Kayser and Ryan Hyde of Kayser Law Firm joins Doug and Tammie in the Cornerstone Studio to explain and dispel any myths of what a Short Sale is. Simply put, short sales begin […]
Selling A Home To A Relative With John Niemann & Doug Haldeman
Generally, the Internal Revenue Service doesn’t care who you sell your house to. Whether it’s going to your son, your second cousin or a stranger, you’ll pay the same taxes and get the same treatment. However, there are a few special situations where the IRS takes a more careful look. Generally, if you’re setting up […]
The Importance of Dealing with a Mortgage Expert
Heath Keller, senior loan officer at Cornerstone Mortgage joins Doug and Tammie in studio to discuss the importance of dealing with a mortgage expert. Tune in to 97.1 today @ 4pm or listen to the audio to learn more about CoSigners on loans (aka Non-Occupant CoBorrowers), Loan Quality Initiative, using gift funds, and more!
The 5 Cs of Lending
When you apply for a loan, lenders assess your credit risk based on a number of factors which will include: credit/payment history, income, student loans, and your overall financial situation. On todays show Doug goes over information that will help explain these factors, also known as the 5 Cs, so that you can get a […]