Decrease Debt The ideal scenario for people is to start with a fresh slate, decrease debt and still meet your monthly obligations. Defining your needs and wants is a great place to start. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for most people. I know this story all too well.
How To Pay Down Credit Card Debt: 6 Tips
Americans now owe more than $1 Trillion in credit card debt, and the average family owes over $16k! If you are one of the many Americans struggling with credit card debt, then these tips are for you. Credit cards can be a nice way to build credit if managed properly. Ideally they are used and paid off each month, but if you have found yourself in a situation where the debt is getting out of control follow these tips to reduce spending to start paying that card off.
Tips For A Smooth Loan Approval
Getting a pre-approval is one step of the mortgage approval process. Having a smooth loan process depends partially on you. As a potential homeowner you must remain responsible throughout the process. In the end only you can determine your future. Here are some tips to help you stay connected to your end goals. DO continue […]
Tips To Make Your Finances Less Frustrating
Have you had a similarly frustrating experience when paying your bills or managing your finances? As part of National Moment of Frustration Day on Oct. 12, we’re sharing five things you can do to make managing your finances easier. 1. Automate your finances to minimize late payments. Through auto-pay, you can rest easy knowing that […]
Testimonial To Doug Haldeman & Cornerstone Mortgage, Inc
Testimonial From First Time Home Buyer A testimonial from clients are the greatest reward given to any loan officer. Client Mike offers a viewpoint that many other first time home buyers may be faced with and how much Doug Haldeman was able to help him through his […]
Average Credit Card Debt in America
Average Credit Card Debt in America Our researchers found the median debt per American household to be $2,300, while the average credit card debt stands at $5,700. Combined data from the U.S. Census Bureau and the Federal Reserve allowed us to dive deeper into credit card debt in the United States, and look beyond the […]