Comparing The Political Plans The 2016 Presidential candidates are Hillary Clinton (Democrat) and Donald Trump (Republican). Their party affiliation helps you understand their economic plans. By understanding these political plans and affliations will make you an informed voter. Keynesian Theory Democrats promote the Keynesian theory. It says government spending and tax cuts boost economic growth […]
Political/ Mayor
Republicans vs. Democrats: Views on Housing Reform
Republicans vs. Democrats: Views on Housing Reform Republicans and Democrats have approved party platforms with very different views on the role of government in housing and housing finance. As the presidential election shifts into high gear, we’ve looked at what both parties and the presidential candidates have to say about the future role of government in […]
Government Spending Gone Wild
Listen in to the show as we have open discussion about the Government spending gone wild! As the numbers keep going up on the US Debt Clock what kind of game plan does the government have to cut spending? Time will tell! The Doug Haldeman Show airs live on Sundays at 4pm to 5 pm.