Is Your Bank Account Leaking Money? When was the last time you really looked at your bank account? It is easy to miss small amounts of money every month until you get declined or a check bounces. When this happens it creates awareness around your money situation. Here are a few ways that you can plug […]
personal finance
Improving Your Financial Freedom
Improving Your Personal Financial Freedom Improving your personal finances may seem impossible and being in debt can be a stressful experience. No matter what your circumstance is, if you signed for a loan, you are obligated to pay it back. If you have a life altering experience like losing a job, getting into an accident, or […]
Detox Your Spending
Summer spending is one of the highest moments of our financial yearly budget. It is filled with vacations, extra food because the kids are home, daycare expense increases, parties, events and more. What is a financial cleanse? A financial cleanse is similar to a diet. After overindulging in too many sweet treats or fast food […]