Decrease Debt The ideal scenario for people is to start with a fresh slate, decrease debt and still meet your monthly obligations. Defining your needs and wants is a great place to start. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for most people. I know this story all too well.
Promises and Price Tags
“Promises and Price Tags” is a comprehensive fiscal analysis of the policies put forward by presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The full report is available as a printer-friendly PDF (57 pp.), and the Chartbook can be viewed here. Executive Summary The next president will enter office with the national debt at post-World War II record […]
Average Credit Card Debt in America
Average Credit Card Debt in America Our researchers found the median debt per American household to be $2,300, while the average credit card debt stands at $5,700. Combined data from the U.S. Census Bureau and the Federal Reserve allowed us to dive deeper into credit card debt in the United States, and look beyond the […]