Paying Cash For Your Home Everywhere you turn, you hear how bad it is to carry around debt. So naturally, it’s logical to think that buying a home with cash – or sinking as much cash as possible into your home to avoid the massive debt associated with a mortgage, is the smartest choice for your […]
14 Step Plan to Transform Your Finances
I deal with people and finances on a daily basis. One of the things I have noticed is that very few people are taught how to manage their money. Frequently people admit to being so lost they don’t even know where to begin when it comes to money. I wanted to share a 14 step plan to help […]
Market Update: The Fed Hikes Rates and How a New Credit Reporting Rule Could Boost Your Score
Fed Rate Hike As we anticipated, the Federal Reserve (Fed) raised interest rates a quarter of a percent on Wednesday, March 15th. This is the second hike since December and a sign that the central bank plans to raise rates faster this year.
The Doug Haldeman Show Welcomes Ryan Raphael: The Medicare Man
Ryan Raphael: The Medicare Man We are pleased to introduce Ryan Raphael, The Medicare Man, from Senior Insurance Benefits as a new expert on our show. Ryan is the owner/broker of Senior Insurance Benefits and has been dedicated to helping seniors with their insurance needs since 2003. Navigating the maze that is Medicare can be […]
Top 10 Mortgage Delays When Purchasing a Home
Top 10 Mortgage Delays when Purchasing a Home Having a delay in your home purchase closing can be extremely frustrating. However, most mortgage delays are preventable and avoidable. By studying the top 10 causes of mortgage delays, you’ll be sure you will have the smoothest closing possible.
Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers 2016
Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers 2016 We just received the report from the National Association of Realtors for the real estate profile for 2016. Check it out below! There are some really interesting statistics that I think you may find useful.
Dave Ramsey’s Bad Advice
Dave Ramsey’s Bad Advice Many of you are familiar with the financial guru Dave Ramsey. His most popular book, “The Total Money Makeover”, has sold over 5 million copies. While I agree with most of what Dave has to say there are a few key areas where I entirely disagree with him. Dave’s approach of […]
Home Scouting: Get the Unfair Advantage
Home Scouting: Get the Unfair Advantage Are you on the house hunt? If so you’ll want to hear about the Home Scouting app. Home Scouting has 100% of the MLS listings, while in many cases Zillow or Trulia only has 40%. Read below to find out how we can get you the unfair advantage by […]
The Economics of Recycling
The Economics of Recycling We have Jennifer Wendt, the Project Manager for University City, with us to discuss the benefits of recycling programs not only for the environment, but for the economy as well. Jennifer specializes in solid waste/recycling, energy efficiency, and other public works projects for the city. Jennifer believes that recycling is not […]
Emergency Funds
Emergency Funds An emergency fund is a stash of money set aside to cover the financial surprises life throws your way. These unexpected events can be stressful and costly. Some common emergencies include unexpected medical expenses, car repairs, and home repairs. While most experts agree you should have an emergency fund, how much is in […]