Steps To Get Your Financial House In Order
It really can be easy to put off for a rainy day or end times to organize your financial records. Getting your financial house in order is one of the most important things you can do to help your family should a family crisis occur.
Here are some suggestions to get yourself on the right track:
Step 1: Collect all of your financial records such as insurance policies, bank account and safety deposit box information, investment statements and more.
Step 2: Collect your personal data such as wills, powers of attorney, social insurance numbers, passport numbers, health records, computer passwords, etc.
Step 3: Once you have all your records gathered together, set up a filing system to organize the information. You can use an online system like: Dropbox located at:
Google Drive located at
Canada has one located at, is a free online tool that can help you save important personal and financial information in one place so that family members can easily locate them in an emergency.
Step 4: Make sure you store this information in a safe place such as a secured folder on your computer, a safety-deposit box, or in a locked fireproof box.
Step 5: Finally, be sure to tell key family members or friends or your lawyer where this information is stored so they can find it easily and quickly.